Recovery Policies for Safe Exploration of Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions by a Solar-Powered Rover
arXiv preprint gplanetary_nav on Github
Olivier Lamarre, Shantanu Malhotra, Jonathan Kelly
Article published in the Acta Astronautica journal

Supplementary material: animation of recovery drives from the LCROSS crash site
The manuscript shows snapshots of simulation trials departing at different times from a specific location near the LCROSS crash site. The following shows complete animations of these traverses:
Departure from timestamp t0 (UNIX timestamp 1882218800s, August 23 2029 22:33:20 UTC):
Departure from timestamp t1 (UNIX timestamp 1882272800s, August 24 2029 13:33:20 UTC):
Departure from timestamp t2 (UNIX timestamp 1882377200s, August 25 2029 18:33:20 UTC):
Departure from timestamp t4 (UNIX timestamp 1882514000s, August 27 2029 08:33:20 UTC):
@article{lamarre_recovery_2023, title = {Recovery policies for safe exploration of lunar permanently shadowed regions by a solar-powered rover}, volume = {213}, issn = {0094-5765}, doi = {10.1016/j.actaastro.2023.09.028}, urldate = {2023-11-18}, journal = {Acta Astronautica}, author = {Lamarre, Olivier and Malhotra, Shantanu and Kelly, Jonathan}, month = dec, year = {2023}, pages = {708--724}, }